序号 |
论文名称 |
第一作者 |
通讯作者 |
发表年月 |
刊物名称 |
收录类型 |
影响因子 |
1 |
Disappearance of endangered turtles within China’s nature reserves |
龚世平 |
史海涛 |
201703 |
Current Biology |
8.851 |
2 |
Sex in the half-shell: A review of the functions and evolution of courtship behavior in freshwater turtles |
刘宇翔 |
史海涛 |
201307 |
Chelonian Conservation and Biology |
0.74 |
3 |
Effect of salinity on the survival, ions and urea modulation in red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) |
洪美玲 |
史海涛 |
201404 |
Asian Herpetological Research |
0.513 |
4 |
Habitat selection and conservation suggestions for the Yangtze Giant softshell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) in the Upper Red River, China |
王健 |
史海涛 |
201306 |
Chelonian Conservation and Biology |
0.696 |
5 |
Modelling the maintenance of egg polymorphism in avian brood parasites and their hosts |
梁伟 |
Fugo Takasu |
201205 |
Journal of Evolutionary Biology |
3.475 |
6 |
Sex roles in egg recognition and egg polymorphism in avian brood parasitism |
梁伟 |
Fugo Takasu |
201203 |
Behavioral Ecology |
3.216 |
7 |
Avoiding parasitism by breeding indoors: cuckoo parasitism of hirundines and rejection of eggs |
梁伟 |
Anders Pape Moller |
201306 |
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology |
3.049 |
8 |
Hawk mimicry in cuckoos and anti-parasitic aggressive behavior of barn swallows in Denmark and China |
梁伟 |
Anders Pape Moller |
201505 |
Journal of Avian Biology |
1.971 |
9 |
Extreme levels of hunting of birds in a remote village of Hainan Island, China |
梁伟 |
梁伟 |
201301 |
Bird Conservation International |
1.78 |
10 |
Deficiency in egg rejection in a host species as a response to the absence of brood parasitism |
杨灿朝 |
梁伟 |
201512 |
Behavioral Ecology |
3.18 |
11 |
Reject the odd egg: Egg recognition mechanisms in parrotbills |
杨灿朝 |
梁伟 |
201407 |
Behavioral Ecology |
3.18 |
12 |
Host selection in parasitic birds: are open-cup nesting insectivorous passerines always suitable cuckoo hosts? |
杨灿朝 |
梁伟 |
201306 |
Journal of Avian Biology |
2.235 |
13 |
Variation in Russet Sparrow (Passer cinnamomeus) Breeding Biology in Relation to Small-Scale Altitudinal Differences in China. |
杨灿朝 |
梁伟 |
201207 |
Zoological Science |
1.076 |
14 |
Large hawk-cuckoo Hierococcyx sparverioides parasitism on the Chinese Babax Babax lanceolatus may be an evolutionarily recent host-parasite system. |
杨灿朝 |
梁伟 |
201201 |
Ibis |
2.361 |
15 |
UV reflectance as a cue in egg discrimination in two Prinia species exploited differently by brood parasites in Taiwan. |
杨灿朝 |
梁伟 |
201307 |
Ibis |
1.861 |
16 |
Coevolution between the large hawk-cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides) and its two sympatric Leiothrichidae hosts: Evidence for recent expansion and switch in host use? |
杨灿朝 |
梁伟 |
201508 |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
2,264 |
17 |
Geographic variation in egg ejection rate by great tits across 2 continents |
梁伟 |
梁伟 |
201610 |
Behavioral Ecology |
3.311 |
18 |
Comparative study on song behavior, and ultra-structural, electrophysiological and immunoreactive properties in RA among deafened, untutored and normal-hearing Bengalese finches |
Zhe Peng |
张信文 |
201204 |
Brain Research |
2.879 |
19 |
Complete chloroplast genome sequences of Praxelis (Eupatorium catarium Veldkamp), an important invasive species |
张颖 |
刘强 |
201401 |
Gene |
2.138 |
20 |
Land use change impacts on heavy metal sedimentation in mangrove wetlands—a case study in Dongzhai Harbor of Hainan,China |
辛琨 |
辛琨 |
201310 |
Wetlands |
1.444 |
21 |
Association between nest defense and egg rejection behavior of Brownbreasted Bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthorrhous). |
Su T |
Ding C *, Liang W *. |
201603 |
Auk |
22 |
Reflectance and artificial nest experiments of reptile and bird eggs imply an adaptation of bird eggs against ultraviolet. |
Wang J |
Liang W* |
201511 |
Ecological Reserach |
23 |
Background matching and camouflage efficiency predict population density in four–eyed turtle (Sacalia quadriocellata). |
Xiao F |
Shi H* |
201608 |
Behavioural Processes |
24 |
Contrasting egg recognition between European and Asian populationsof tree sparrows (Passer montanus). |
Yang C |
Liang W* |
201602 |
Behavioral Processes, 125:85–88 |
25 |
Do common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) possess an optimal laying behaviour to match their own egg phenotype to that of their Oriental reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) hosts? |
Yang C |
Liang W* |
201602 |
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
26 |
Blocking of ultraviolet reflectance on bird eggs reduces nest predation by aerial predators. |
Yang C. |
Liang W* |
201601 |
Journal of Ornithology |
27 |
Egg polymorphism and egg discrimination in the daurian redstart phoenicurus auroreus, a host of the common cuckoo cuculus canorus. |
Yang C |
Liang W* |
201605 |
Ornithol Science |
28 |
Egg recognition as antiparasitism defence in hosts does not select for laying of matching eggs in parasitic cuckoos. |
Yang C |
Liang W* |
201610 |
Animal Behaviou |
29 |
Plaintive cuckoos do not select tailorbird hosts that match the phenotypes of their own eggs. |
Yang C |
Liang W* |
201601 |
Behavioral Ecology |
30 |
Why do hosts with obvious egg polymorphism suffer low parasitism rates under avian brood parasitism? |
Yang C |
Liang W* |
201611 |
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology |
31 |
How cuckoos find and choose host nests for parasitism. |
Yang C |
Liang W* |
201703 |
Behavioral Ecology |
32 |
海马齿小热激蛋白SpHSP18.1 基因的克隆及盐胁迫表达分析 |
许天委 |
张颖 |
201510 |
应用与环境生物学报 |
1.059 |
33 |
海南东寨港红树林保护区碳储量及固碳功能价值评估 |
胡杰龙 |
辛琨 |
201506 |
湿地科学 |
2.232 |
34 |
海南岛红树林湿地土壤有机碳分布规律及影响因素研究 |
辛琨 |
辛琨 |
201409 |
土壤学报 |
1.777 |
35 |
光谱分析揭示红耳龟(Trachemys scripta)体色的两性异形 |
汪继超 |
史海涛 |
201310 |
动物学研究 |
0.995 |
36 |
江西武夷山国家级自然保护区两栖动物多样性及海拔分布特点 |
王同亮 |
汪继超 |
201507 |
生态学杂志 |
1.774 |
37 |
红耳龟与中华条颈鬼争抢食物能力的对比研究 |
赵龙辉 |
汪继超 |
201312 |
四川动物 |
0.584 |
38 |
速激肽I型受体(NK1R)在斑胸草雀端脑发声核团的分布 |
林春 |
张信文 |
201408 |
北京师范大学学报 |
0.436 |
39 |
西双版纳国家级自然保护区勐腊子保护区亚洲象种群和栖息地评价 |
林柳 |
张立 |
201407 |
生态学报 |
2.233 |
40 |
西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地评价 |
林柳 |
张立 |
201502 |
兽类学报 |
1.184 |
41 |
海南及粤西热带地区外来入侵植物假臭草的群落及生境调查 |
罗炘武 |
刘强 |
201511 |
草地学报 |
1.286 |
42 |
圆蟾舌蛙鸣声特征分析 |
汪继超 |
2016 |
动物学杂志 |
43 |
平顶闭壳龟和黄额闭壳龟日活动节律与时间分配 |
龙再忠 |
2016 |
生态学杂志 |
44 |
龟类生态形态学研究进展 |
肖繁荣 |
史海涛 |
2017 |
生态学杂志 |
45 |
福建虎伯寮国家级自然保护区眼斑水龟的生境选择 |
胡庆如 |
2016 |
动物学杂志 |
46 |
红蹼树蛙繁殖期鸣声特征及鸣叫节律 |
孙志新 |
汪继超 |
2017 |
生态学杂志 |
47 |
龟致病性维氏气单胞菌和鲍曼不动杆菌双重PCR检测方法的建立 |
丁利 |
2016 |
水产科学 |
48 |
海南东寨港红树林聚磷菌的筛选及其特性 |
伍思宇 |
王锐萍 |
2016 |
应用与环境生物学报 |
49 |
苏云金芽孢杆菌HS66的转座因子分析 |
张文飞 |
王锐萍 |
2016 |
基因组学与应用生物学 |
50 |
不同林龄木麻黄林地特有细菌代谢产物及其化感潜力 |
李慧敏 |
李蕾 |
2016 |
应用与环境生物学报 |
51 |
阿特拉津对红耳龟胚胎发育及肝脏、肾脏组织结构的影响 |
傅丽容 |
2017 |
水产科学 |
52 |
豆油部分或全部替代饲料中鱼油对中华条颈龟肠道形态及菌群结构的影响 |
丁利 |
2017 |
动物营养学报 |
53 |
乌龟鲍曼不动杆菌的分离鉴定及药敏试验 |
丁利 |
2017 |
水产科学 |
54 |
非休眠期海南文昌昌洒蜡皮蜥脂肪蓄积的变化 |
罗樊强 |
王力军 |
2017 |
野生动物学报 |
55 |
GABA对热应激雏鸡小肠黏膜中IL-IL-7和sIgA含量的影响 |
梁臣 |
陈忠 |
2017 |
中国家禽 |
56 |
GABA对热应激雏鸡法氏囊组织中IL-IL-6、TNF-TNF-α和HSPHSP70 mRNA表达的影响 |
周永蔚 |
陈忠 |
2017 |
中国家禽 |
57 |
红耳龟与中华条颈龟初生幼体剩余卵黄、表型特征及运动能力的比较研究 |
盛成 |
2017 |
动物学杂志 |
58 |
急性盐度胁迫对红耳龟肌肉中游离氨基酸水平的影响 |
江爱萍 |
2017 |
动物学杂志 |
59 |
铁炉港红树植物红榄李和榄李各器官矿质元素含量分析 |
李燕 |
张颖 |
2017 |
湿地科学 |
60 |
濒危红树植物红榄李开花生物学特征及繁育系统 |
张颖 |
2017 |
应用与环境生物学报 |
61 |
濒危红树植物莲叶桐败育植株中7种矿质元素含量 |
张晓楠 |
张颖 |
2017 |
湿地科学 |
62 |
耐盐相关miRNA在红树伴生植物海马齿中对高盐生境的响应 |
唐梦楠 |
2017 |
分子植物育种 |
63 |
海南东寨港红树林土壤二氧化碳和甲烷排放通量研究 |
高春 |
辛琨 |
2017 |
湿地科学 |