序号 |
研究生姓名 |
成果名称 |
发表刊物名称及ISSN |
时间 |
1 |
王龙舞 |
Multiple mechanisms of egg recognition in a cuckoo host |
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (SCI三区) |
201508 |
2 |
胡逸萍 |
Absence of egg rejection in an Asian population of house sparrow (Passer domesticus),a conspecific brood parasite in Europe |
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (SCI三区) |
201502 |
3 |
陈敏 |
Nest sanitation elicits egg discrimination in cuckoo hosts |
Animal Cognition (SCI三区) |
201507 |
4 |
肖繁荣 |
Background matching and camouflage efficiency predict population density in four-eyed turtle (Sacalia quadriocellata) |
Behavioral Process (SCI四区)
201610 |
5 |
王龙舞 |
Increase of clutch size triggers clutch destruction behaviour in common moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) during the incubation period |
Behaviour (SCI四区) |
201302 |
6 |
黄秋丽 |
Plaintive cuckoos do not select tailorbird hosts that match the phenotypes of their own eggs |
Behavioral Ecology (SCI四区) |
201606 |
7 |
粟通萍 |
Association between nest defense and egg rejection behavior of Brownbreasted Bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthorrhous) |
Auk (SCI 四区)
201603 |
8 |
王龙舞 |
Egg rejection and clutch phenotype variation in the plain prinia Prinia inornata |
Journal of Avian Biology (SCI四区) |
201603 |
9 |
胡逸萍 |
新疆阜康地区家麻雀的巢址选择 |
动物学杂志 |
201510 |
10 |
黄秋丽 |
八声杜鹃在两种缝叶莺巢中寄生繁殖 |
动物学杂志 |
201510 |
11 |
粟通萍 |
中杜鹃在3种宿主巢中寄生繁殖 |
生物学杂志 |
201408 |
12 |
王佳佳 |
贵州宽阔水自然保护区鸟类地面巢捕食者的调查 |
生态学杂志 |
201402 |
13 |
李敏 |
黄额闭壳龟( Cuora galbinifrons) 巢捕食的模拟 |
生态学杂志 |
201406 |
14 |
黄秋生 |
长尾缝叶莺和栗头缝叶莺的巢址选择比较 |
生态学杂志 |
201510 |
15 |
姚宝奇 |
木麻黄海防林中混交种植肖槿、红厚壳、莲叶桐的初步研究 |
海南省省级优秀硕士论文 |
201207 |
16 |
阮长林 |
海南岛海岸带3 种乡土树种的选育及其在混交海防林构建中的应用 |
海南省省级优秀硕士论文 |
201507 |
17 |
刘丹 |
海南岛外来物种红耳龟生境选择和食性研究 |
海南省省级优秀硕士论文 |
201207 |
18 |
肖繁荣 |
四眼斑水龟体色和体型的生态适应研究 |
海南省省级优秀硕士论文 |
201507 |
19 |
霍娟 |
山麻雀的卵色变异及其卵、雏识别 |
海南省省级优秀硕士论文 |
201507 |
20 |
黄秋丽 |
长尾缝叶莺对八声杜鹃的反寄生行为 |
海南省省级优秀硕士论文 |
201607 |